
dancing to the song of grief

Poetry- Nomadic solace of poet by ClickPoets Group

ADMIN[/blog]admin 2021 ago
dancing to the song of grief
*dancing to the song of grief*

everyone must have embraced it open arms: with open heart and with the warmest of heart. they would have shelved up the books of grief. sometimes, they would have compose the song all night, and all day long, they would have dance to it wiggling their waists and thighs to the tune of grief and sorrow and sometimes, of what seems like depression. everyone has held the pain, everyone has sang the song: silently humming the lyrics of lamentation, openly, loudly wailing for the daily loss. grief and its track is of different lyrics in everyone's albums in some, it is the intro featuring loss of mother: loss of father, a brother, a comrade, a lover: to the cold hands of death. in some again, it is the verse one: of heart break, of disappointment, of broken promises. in others' album, song of grief is sang in solo that they only have to slowly flow to its tune and gradually, steadily lose the end game to suicide. some song of grief is so loud that, multitude would dance to it with wails and regrets. but my grief–the sorrow growing in my heart, is a song i composed from the labyrinth of affection where' my bird flew with a wing and surfing the wind all alone, i crashed on nothing but on the drum of tears with the sound giving a loud thud. no one could even dance to it one one could dance with me everyone is engulfed in the dance to their grief–the common song.

–Kunle Ibikunle 2021/05/25
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