
tell the victims of grief

Poetry- Nomadic solace of poet by ClickPoets Group

ADMIN[/blog]admin 2021 ago
tell the victims of grief
*tell the victims of grief* upon whose body grief has made a pilgrimage tell, that their body is holy: a divine temple of God where' souls of saints and angels meet --not a place for serpents and forsaken devils tell the grief bearers that the soul which sits in their chest is God's own fruit— when it ripens God takes it upon Himself do not allow serpents and worms heed! take care of God's fruit tell the victims of grief when you come across them that their sad tears are pastel of happy wishes— asking to be sprawled upon God's canvas ask them— what do they do with their tears? ask a man whose heart is heavier than the multiverse —so heavy with grief ask him about burden— he will say: --a heap of everything over nothing --a heap of all good wishes upon a hopeless body --a mountain of ornament upon a leprous one --a world of happiness around a stoic soul tell them to be that everything over nothing tell them to change course with fate tell them to hold fate by its guts asking it to switch their ways with good tell them to pray! *© Aboo-l-Marjaan*
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